The Roofing Contractor

The Roofing Contractor
All information about Roofing contractor
5 Different Roof Styles Can You Choose From
When building a new house or renovating an existing one it has become very essential to find out the right roofing contractor and type of roof for your building. Roofing can be very helpful for providing the additional space as well as making your home more resilient, energy-efficient and weatherproof. Here is a brief look at the most popular roof styles that you can choose for your home.

The Gable roof is one of the most popular and pitched roofs that can be easily recognized by their triangular shape. It can easily shed water and snow by providing more space for the vaulted ceilings and gives more ventilation. A Hip roof has slopes on all the four sides that would be equal in length and come together at the top to give the shape of a ridge. They are more stable and all the four sides make it more sturdy and durable.
There are different types of hip roofs including simple Hip, cross hipped, not and half-hipped. A mansard roof (French roof) is a four-sided roof that consists of a double slope on each side of the building. The lower slop can be much steeper than the upper. A Mansard roof can be very helpful for creating a great deal of extra living space Most of the homeowner use the space as the full attic and the style lends itself to either opening or closing the dormers for more aesthetic appeal. It is an ideal roofing style for all those areas receiving heavy snowfall.
Gambrel roof has two different slopes and the shape is much like a mansard that provides extra living space for a garret, attic or loft. You will find it very simple to frame out. If you don’t want to select any of the above, then the flat roof can be good for you. it can give you extra living space that is common practice for commercial roof design.